To offer the maximum quality and the best guarantee is our commitment to our customers. All items have a warranty of two years from the date of delivery. All products sold by are products of the best brands and are supplied complete with official guarantees.
According to the law, all the products are covered against the consumer by a warranty of 24 months (with the exception of reconditioned electronic products with a certified 12-month warranty). This warranty, according to european law must be provided by the manufacturer (in the case of products of european manufacture) or the importer (in the case of products from extra-european). The addresses of the national Service Centers are usually always indicated on the guarantee the same. In case you have problems, we are always available to help you, but in no case may be required to provide additional collateral or in substitution of those provided by Official Assistance.
What is not included in the warranty?
- This does not include defects caused by negligence, knocks, improper use, tampering, voltage or incorrect installation or wear and tear.
The warranty will be void:
- If a detail of the warranty or proof of purchase is modified, altered, or replaced;
- If the identification number or the guaranteed product is tampered with or repaired without the prior written consent of the Technical Service.